Od tego wydarzenia,słuchanie jej muzyki jest trudne,choć wciąż są piękne świadomość,że tak młoda, pełna pasji osoba nie jest...skoro to tak trudne dla osób które patrzą na to z boku,nie umiem sobie wyobrazić co odczuwa jej rodzina, choć sama straciłam kogoś bliskiego kilka lat temu. Jej rodzina ,przyjaciele wydawali jej płytę nad która ostatnio pracowała, założyli fundację o jej imieniu, kontynuują to co zaczęła, walczą o jej dobre imię.
Pomimo czasu to wciąż wydaje się być abstrakcją, dla mnie dla innych osób które słuchały ja od lat/śledziły kanał, wszyscy łączymy się w bólu. I próbujemy patrzeć w przyszłość,ale i żyć teraźniejszością.
Jestem pewna,że to co stworzyła,jaką energię rozprzestrzeniała wokół siebie, jej dokonania nie zostaną wymazane. To jak wpłynęła na nas zostanie póki będziemy pamiętać, jakkolwiek to brzmi. Kilka dni temu po raz pierwszy od jej śmierci słuchałam piosenki z jej epki "With love" o mało się nie popłakałam i miałam gęsią skórkę,ale jednocześnie to było tak jakby wciąż tu była. Muzyka jest tu kluczem,musimy pamiętać tylko tak uda nam się przez to przejść. Dziś słuchałam singla z najnowszej płyty "Invisible" posłuchajcie:
Christino nigdy nie będziesz niewidzialna,zawsze w naszych sercach masz najszerszy i najprawdziwszy uśmiech. Zawsze
English vesrion:
I don't know if anybody remamber. But in the beggining on blospot on my 1st blog (heels in snow) I made a series call "Talents of youtube" in 2012 ,one of the stars was Christina Grimmie. Really special young lady, who through that time made so many things. She played in a movie, was a member of "The Voice" family. She worked on some new projects, rised nad grew, she spread love around herself/her fans, family and friends. After this time is still so unfair, so brutal. On 10th june it's gonna be 1 Anniversary since she's gone. She was shot after one of her concerts in Orlando when she gave autographs to her fans. One sick fan shoot her and then he shot himself. One of the witness was her own brother, and of course other fans. Even writing this is so fucking hard,and seems to some kind of terrible nightmare, but it's not, It's someone life. Which was took away just in seconds.
I listen her musisc since 2011, from covers to her own compositions. After this for me is so hard to not cry or shiver when I just heard her voice. Couple days ago was actually 1st time since her death when I listen "With love" .It's still so beautiful but the thougth that she's no longer with us...she was so young,so talented. I can't even imagine what her familly and friends feel like. I lost someone who was so important to me 5 years ago and it's still hurts.
Her beloved ones make a fundation with her name,they fight for her good name. They even publish Side B EP that she was working on . Today for the 1st time I heard one of the single call "Invesible" it was such a relief to hear her voice after this time,like she still here. This is the key, the impact that she left us is gonna always live in us. I'm sure that her creations, the energy that she spread around, her accomplishments they not gonna be erased. Only the music is the key to survive this, and have a piece of her in ours hearts.
Dwo days ago was 1 aniversary since she left and her family relased the full album of her new music. Guys I'm literally shivering, by this fact. It still feels like she's here and I belive that she is in our hearts and her familly spread her work and values . This is so hard to them too but their just follow what she started. Dear Grimmie familly thank you, we love you and respect you so much.
Christina you never ever gonna be forget or invesible to us, to me. In my mind you always gonna have this wonderfull smile big voice and even bigger heart. Always #CGFOREVER
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